Wednesday, September 17, 2008

All Are Welcome

I have a friend of mine named Joel Rivera, that started a blog that discusses his opinions on the race to the presidency, from a Christian angle. It brings all people together, especially Christians to debate the issues that plague both parties. It is an open blog that not only allows you to discuss what your opinion, but at the same time maybe understand a little bit about what other people may think. That site is

Well, as much as I like his site, I wanted to go on another angle and open up a blog for all to just come together and discuss what issues plague the world we live in and to just open up dialogue that maybe we can learn something from each other. I am not an expert nor do I want to be, but I want to learn more about what issues we are facing and also to look at it in different perspectives.

I want to invite anyone that would like to join in on the discussions and anything else that they feel should be set up as a topic, I welcome you to email me and a new blog will be created for those that wish to engage in area. I myself have many questions, and I feel that people can come together, respectfully, share their views and maybe walk away learning something new or even enhancing their own view.

Once again, this is not a blog to force anything on anyone, but more so to open people eyes to the world around us.


Anonymous said...

Dave, thanks for plugging my Blog. Although people should know that the basic premise is to challenge the Christian Communality and others as to why Barack Obama should be looked at very carefully, and why I believe he is a very poor choice for President. A great effort is put into it to be based on facts and a biblical worldview. Thanks for all your encouragement and I look forward to joining this discussion as well. There is indeed a lot to talk about regarding the world.

TheOne said...

Hello David.

I am looking forward to an open discussion with you on the issues. Judging from comments posted to your friend Joel's blog... I see we do not agree on some issues or the Democratic Presidential candidate.


Anonymous said...

I welcome everyone's comments, but unless I know who you are, it will ba kind of hard to respond to an anonymous person.

Anonymous said...

The One,
Actually I do not know who I am voting for at this time. I have issues with both sides and for that I need to look at what values each candidate has that I stand for, so you are right we probably won't agree on some issues but doesn't mean that I am not open to reading and trying to understand other people's views, I just won't force what I believe on others and vice versa. This blog is a way to understand other people's views and why they stand for what they do. No judgment will be brought upon anyone that expresses their views. There are other Blogs for that.

TheOne said...

Glad to hear it. I look forward to joining your discussions. Please feel free to join our discussions as well. Should be interesting indeed.

Koplah! said...

Hey all, cool to know there is a place open minded people can chat.

Anonymous said...

The One and Koplah, just wondering, how did you find my blog? I know a sent an email to some friends, just wondering?

Koplah! said...

My friend Lisa, she said that a friend of hers started a policital blog or his friend did. I think she said his name was Salimon

Anonymous said...

Well it really isn't a political Blog, it is more a blog about what we are facing in today's world, discussions can be brought up about political issues, but I think it will be geared towards all issues that we face in our nation and our world. But I do welcome it all, I am sure I will learn from it as well.

Yes Solomon is one of my good friends from when I lived in NY.

Koplah! said...


TheOne said...


Not sure if it was on on the Raw View blog asking Obama supporters to explain why they are with him. But I have posted comments that have not been released which speak to some of this.

If you post the question here - I am sure we will respond. or you can come see us at I am sure we will have items on there you can read through.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The One, I am ahead of you, read the next entry.

Koplah! said...

Hello all, I have decided that since Joel Not So Raw refuses to post my response to his last comment I would post it here since I know many of you read both blogs. Our friend Mr. Not So Raw is not as enlightened as he claims since he screens every posting and only allows those which he finds favorable. If you are thinking what I am think you are absolutely right, not very American at all. I think Mr. Not so Raws new nick name should be Mr. Joel Ayatollah Khomeini. This will be my last posting in response to Mr. Joel Ayatollah Knomeini. Have a great narrow minded life!

Wow, not a bad rebuttal but flawed on many levels. I will explain. First of all, I said never said anything about having and abortion between the periods of 6 to 9 months make sense. I said a reasonable amount of time and I believe that many people even others who are pro-life would agree with you on that point. I then went on to say why I was pro-life which you conveniently omitted from your response. Please refer to my last comment for clarification. Obama opposed the Bill you referred to because it opposed the decision that was rendered in Roe v. Wade. He also said that if it had been worded differently then perhaps he would have supported it. He like I believe that a women should have the right to choose as long as it is within a reasonable amount of time which is the most basic principal of Row v. Wade. The government should not tell a woman what to do with her bodies. The when does life begin debate is not irrelevant because this is the very issue at odds. The question is when is a fetus viable outside of the womb, which is why many states have put a deadline as to when you can have the procedure. As far as homosexuality is concerned this is where I believe religion falls a little short just like the lack of an explanation for the disappearance of dinosaurs. Homosexuality is present in every organism from the single celled organism to mammals and this is a scientific fact. Anyone who has ever had a dog can attest to that. Obviously, same sex intercourse will not lead to procreation but this does not mean that it isn’t a genetic anomaly that affects some humans just like it affects, insects, mammal, plant life and other organisms and their hasn’t been anything written in any religious text to dispute this or even logically explain it. I’ll give you the one about Jesus not being a pacifist because even though he lived a non-violent life he never actually said that there was never a time for violence be he did however speak openly against the religious and political rulers of his time because they were not seeking a righteousness from God, but rather of their own making (Luke 20:1-2, Romans 9:31-33). This sounds eerily reminiscent to the mistakes of our current administration. Do you think that Jesus would approve of the way that they have governed?

I really do not understand you point concerning the reference to the first amendment “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” By the very fact that Thomas Jefferson a framer of the constitution and the author of the declaration if independence talks about a wall of separation gives this common held belief credence. Every Supreme Court, congress and presidential administration of the last 200 years have upheld this very principle, this is tangible evidence that it is an implied law of the land. Just because you can pull a quote from the constitution does mean you understand its full implications or its intentions. There have also been many political and constitutional scholars who have written about this implication and just about all of them agree as well.

I have never said that Bush is any less or more Christian than Obama. I couldn’t care less; I was simply referring to his none Christian like policies. The issues I have with Bush have nothing to do with his faith it has to do with his policies and how he has governed over the last 7+ years. He uses his faith to justify many of his actions and I question his reasoning and justification, as I should as an American and citizen of the world because they affect me. A Homosexuals bedrooms forays do not.

Finally, I never said that because Obama was a community organizer that he should be president. AL Sharpton was and still is but I do not believe that he should be. I said that the sum of his experiences which includes community organizing is some of the reasons that he should. You also miss quoted something else that I said. “I like the fact that although Barrack is a Christian that chooses to observe the most basic fundamental principal of our constitution which is the separation of church and state.” The point being that he is a Christian who will not impose his beliefs on me. That is the implication and intention of your constitutional reference. Also, could you tell me where you read a quote by Obama that inferred that he disagrees with “Buy the truth and do not sell it; get wisdom…and understanding.” Jesus said, that he was “the way and the truth and the life.” And that “No one comes to the Father except through me.”