Thursday, October 9, 2008

Is Obama a Radical?

I have heard many stories, have seen a special on this topic and also there is a book called "Obama Nation" that focuses on the people of whom he has a relationship with and I have to ask, can there be truth to all of this. I mean you can argue both sides of this, but it just seems to be too believable. I mean, I understand that anyone can write a book and make things up, but the special that was on Fox-News this past weekend, just makes you wonder, is all of this possible, can Obama truly be apart of a secret union that is planning to undermine the American people once he is in office. Or even if it is true, it is all innocent and won't effect anything if he is elected.
Now not to undermine any one's intelligence, but I am a smart man, I read and understand things, I may not research as heavily as most, and I do not allow others to sway my thinking, but you have to admit, if you saw the special that some of it seems to be very believable. Now of course all the Obama supporters will denounce this because how dare you even think it, and all the McCain supporters will say, I told you so. But what is the real truth in all of this.

Is this a way for the Republican Party to just ruin Obama's chances of being our next President, or is the Democratic Party actually withholding this important information. Now others may think it is no big deal, but if at all this information is true, to me I feel it is very scary. I mean, to be friends or even acquaintances with a known terrorist and with middle eastern terrorists, and to think that a person with those kinds of friends can be our next President, I have to say is scary.

Or is it just propaganda? I mean, it does sound farfetched that such a thing can elude our media and after what happened on 9/11, it wouldn't be deemed as an important piece of news is alarming. So since it really hasn't been brought to every one's attention, how truly important is it.

Fox News Special, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6.

Now I am not saying that it is all true, I have no proof to prove yes or no, but think of it this way, if McCain was being accused of the same thing, would it make you question it or just push it to the side. I think for me I would question it either way because it effects my freedom and the country in which I live in. I guess you can argue both sides and that is why I posted this entry, to open the door to both sides giving their input.


TheOne said...

Hi David.

I will watch the videos you posted to see what they say. However you do have to remember this is Fox. They are a conservative republician leaning news organization. So keep in mind. I try to watch TV channels and programs that are relatively neutral.

Anyway - after watching this, did you look to see what Obama's response to any of it is? He has an entire website up to get his side of the sotry out to the public. I think it is only fair of you to read it with an open mind.

D.A.C. said...

The One, I thank you for that link and I will look into it and see what he says. I will also advise others that have questions to also look at it with an open mind.

Hopefully the real truth will come out with all of this and we can move on. All this back and forth stuff to tell you the truth is getting pretty old.

I am not going to lie, but all of these accusations, if that is what they are, is pretty scary, but I wonder and maybe you can answer this question, if this was McCain that had these connections or accusations against him, would you be able to have an open mind and say that it wasn't true, if the facts were on a website.

One thing, it is very easy to just denounce it, but after you see the videos, could you think that any of it can be true or that would be out of the question. Just wondering.

TheOne said...

First let me start by saying thank you for keeping an open mind. I am inspired by your ability to consider all sides. It continues to make me more hopeful for the future of this country!

I do agree with you, the prospect of what is being presented is very scary - as it is being suggested. But in all honesty, I watched all 6 videos and I always have to consider the source. Fox News is for the most part a right wing news station. Specifically Hannity is pro McCain (as Keith Olberman is pro Obama). MSNBC could be considered a left wing station as well, however they have shows that will argue both sides (Chris Matthews is a pretty good example).

Now, you ask me a very good question - if it were McCain, would I be so open minded? My answer to you is yes. I am aware of the many accusations of McCain that are false and unfair. For example, I NEVER bought into the accusation that McCain would stay in Iraq for 100 years. When I heard this line being used on the trail by the Obama campaign I knew that it was false because I saw what he actually said. It annoyed me that Obama would suggest such a thing and I said repeatedly to my friends that would bring it up that McCain did not say that and they shouldn't just believe everything they hear - rather challenge everything!

I can give you another example, the whole "Keating Five" drama (now re-surfacing) that McCain was a part of back in the savings and loan crisis and the video of the "witchcraft doctor" praying over Palin. I don't pay these things any attention because it is character assassination and not necessarily applicable to what they are about today.

My issue with the program aired on FOX is ... see I studied imaging/video graphics and methods of presenting information for different media sources (my professor used to work for NBC so it was mostly television) in college. That show was not a documentary, it was intended to look and sound scary - the music, images and drama. If you really pay attention Hannity is not suggesting anything that everyone does not already know. The fact still remains that Obama admits to knowing him, Obama was 8 years old when Ayers was a "terrorist" and Ayers is now a professor at an Ivy League university! Do not underestimate the power of that last piece of information. The bigger issue is they are trying to imply that somehow Obama knowing these people suggests that Obama agrees with what they did in the past even though he has spoke out against their actions. If that is the logic being applied, where is the McCain show documenting all of his potentially negative associations? Hannity will not do any because he wants McCain to win - which to me is dirty politics (as you will see by the link I added below for you to watch). It is up to us to be smart enough to understand when someone is trying to persuade or frighten us - which is what Hannity was trying to do. I take offense to that - because it insults my intelligence.

I am not one of those people that only watch cable or local news. I actively watch programs that argue both sides of the story. The interview below is a VERY good example of such programs (another Bill Moyers interview):

This should give you a good idea of the way I look at politics. Obama is my candidate of choice because I agree with his progressive nature and his vision of what we should be doing over the next 4 - 8 years. That does not mean I am against McCain, do not like McCain or that I buy into any of the "left-wing" arguments against McCain as a person. I respect him and his service, and I believe he has America's best interest at heart. But he and I simply disagree on how we should get there and what we should be doing about the war in Iraq. Interestingly enough, I was in a HEATED argument just a few days ago with a fellow Obama supporter about an article that spoke negatively about McCain's time as a P.O.W. I do not believe that we should be trying to argue that either of these candidates is disloyal or un-American. They are both fine individuals and they both should be respected. I will argue that point with anyone.

This is the source of my aggravation with comments like "Obama is a Marxist". That is defamation of character. Glenn Beck is another person I listened to what he has to say, yet he is another person on the Obama = Marxists bandwagon, but I try to find sources that are fair and accurate - not "if Obama is elected we should all be afraid because America as we know it will end". No it won't. He is just not a conservative and will push an agenda that is different from what conservatives want. Oh - and yes he is black - so obviously that is also an issue for some. But for the rest of us, the name Barack is Swahili (African) Obama is Kenyan (also African). This does not scare me - does not bother me in the least actually. To give away a little about myself - my first name is Italian - does that mean I would be associated with the mob? Not really!!!

Until we as citizens in this country can look at what is really important and force our politicians to speak to us like we have some sense - we will stay in the same cycle of BS that we are getting now. Additionally, I make it a point to try my best to see through what MY candidate is saying that is not true, or what I believe he should be talking about that he is not. This is the only way we will get what we want out of this country. I have to hold him accountable - this means I have to challenge him as well - even if I end up defending the man I do not want to be president. This is something we all should be doing.

BTW - did you watch that other video I posted????