Thursday, September 25, 2008

700 Billion Buyout??? What Gives....

I have heard a bit about why we are giving Wall Street all of this money, but it also scares me because it means that us tax payers will have to pay for it. It will come out of our pockets. either way give it or not the working American people are screwed either way. What is this country coming to and why are we facing these crisis, who is to blame and what is needed to right this wrong. Please can anyone explain...............

Friday, September 19, 2008

Obama v. McCain

I couldn’t resist or I should say stay away from this post. It is the HOT topic of our day or should say, days. But I wanted to have all the Obama and McCain supporters write in and express why they support their candidate. But please refrain from lashing out on the other party, just state why you think your candidate should win. Cold hard facts. What does your guy stand for. I am sure I can google and find out, but then what would be the point of my blog or an open discussion.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Gas Stations Shutting Their Pumps.....

Here in SW Florida, a number of gas stations have refused to purchase gas from their suppliers because they state that the prices are too steep and they are not allowed to raise their prices any higher than the State Attorney allows or they will be fined at least $1000 an incident.

I just find that crazy because, if they refuse to buy gas, and the gas stations continue to shut down their pumps, where does that leave the rest of us folks who have to drive to work each and every day. Man something has to be done and quick, all of this is getting out of hand.

Before you know it we will not have means of which to get to work, and everything will just shut down, now I know that sounds drastic and maybe I am looking at the worse case senerio, but how can you look at this current situation in a positive light, all you here in the news is negative this, negative that. Seems like no hope in sight.

Government Takeover of AIG, Why?

I heard in the news this morning about the government bailing out AIG. I didn't get all of the news as to why, but I suppose it has a great deal to do with our ever decreasing economy. Also, it was mentioned that this government take over will effect our tax dollars and that we will all own apiece of AIG, but never actually ever see a dime from it. I think that last part was more of a joke, but it just doesn't seem that way to me.

I see that as a nation we are faced with so many obstacles, that how can we ever straightened out this mess and head into a better tomorrow. I am fearful of what is ahead especially for my son, as he gets older and has to deal with what has become of our country of our world. They talk about there will be a rebound, but when? We live from check to check, just trying to make it work, and the dream of owning a home, seems more like a nightmare now. I feel like I am paying for a mortgage that is worthless, because my home is not worth that price any longer. So they say that the economy will get better, but I just don't see how, even with a new President, what can be done in a short period of time. I just don't see it. Anyone want to clarify it for me, I would greatly appreciate it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

All Are Welcome

I have a friend of mine named Joel Rivera, that started a blog that discusses his opinions on the race to the presidency, from a Christian angle. It brings all people together, especially Christians to debate the issues that plague both parties. It is an open blog that not only allows you to discuss what your opinion, but at the same time maybe understand a little bit about what other people may think. That site is

Well, as much as I like his site, I wanted to go on another angle and open up a blog for all to just come together and discuss what issues plague the world we live in and to just open up dialogue that maybe we can learn something from each other. I am not an expert nor do I want to be, but I want to learn more about what issues we are facing and also to look at it in different perspectives.

I want to invite anyone that would like to join in on the discussions and anything else that they feel should be set up as a topic, I welcome you to email me and a new blog will be created for those that wish to engage in area. I myself have many questions, and I feel that people can come together, respectfully, share their views and maybe walk away learning something new or even enhancing their own view.

Once again, this is not a blog to force anything on anyone, but more so to open people eyes to the world around us.